GC Fuji PLUS® Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Luting Cement
A resin-reinforced, glass ionomer luting cement designed for final cementation of metal, porcelain-fused-to-metal, metal-free crowns, bridges, inlays and onlays.
Fuji PLUS has been designed to offer you simple and error-free cementation procedures and a strong and durable bond you can rely on. The outstanding performance and the availability in various shades make GC Fuji PLUS a multi-purpose cement. It provides the highest level of confidence through exceptional long-term clinical results.
The use of optional GC Fuji PLUS CONDITIONER prepares the bonding surface, which dramatically increases the bond strength and reduces the chance of pulpal sensitivity. A 20 second application of GC Fuji PLUS CONDITIONER removes smear layer with a mild citric acid etchant and seals dentinal tubules with its ferric chloride component.
Why choose GC Fuji PLUS®?
Easy mixing and handling like a conventional cement
Similar mechanical properties to resin cements
Intrinsic adhesion to tooth structure
Outstanding bond strength to tooth structure for long lasting restorations
Extremely low film thickness reduces chance of high occlusion
Easy seating and improved fit
No post-operative sensitivity
Radiopaque helps facilitate oral diagnosis
Optimal marginal seal, in combination with the GC Fuji PLUS Conditioner
Sustained, rechargeable fluoride release reduces risk of decay at tooth/casting interface
Elimination of complex and moisture sensitive bonding procedures
Good adhesion to metal, resin and silanated porcelain (Multi purpose)
Continued high fluoride release