GC Fuji BOND™ LC Light-Cured, Desensitizing Bonding Agent
A flexible and desensitizing bonding agent for all direct placement, composite resin restorations.
GC Fuji BOND™ LC chemically bonds composite to dentin, enamel and cementum, which is then reinforced by the mechanical interlock of the hybrid layer. GC Fuji BOND™ LC allows expansion and contraction of the resin restorative as well as the flexure of tooth without opening cavosurface margins. Outstanding fluoride release protects restorations from secondary decay while post-operative sensitivity is reduced or eliminated.
Why choose GC Fuji BOND™ LC?
Consistent results; easy to use
Ideal for posterior restorations
Can be used with all VLC composites
Chemically and mechanically bonds to tooth structure
Flexes with tooth, which preserves the bond between the restoration and tooth
Post-operative sensitivity is reduced or eliminated
Protects restoration from secondary decay
Outstanding fluoride release